
On The Top of My Lap

Yeah, old friend
It's you and me again
Me and you
And all these keys
Which my fingers strike
Sometimes lazily
Sometimes in anger

You and me
The cigarette
The booze

You with your screen
Which never shows what I wanna see
The ink fading on your tatoos
(I did those to you)
But they fade away
To show me
Every moment is neverlasting
That's why they're so precious

Now I shut the lid
And give you and me
The rest we both deserve

Life As It Is

And then you're born
and you cry
but soon enough you remember you're loved
and you love for the first time
and you start seeing things
and you hear, and you smell
and touch, and you taste
and you taste everything around you
Then you walk
then you run
and you eat, and you drink
you get dirty, you get showered
you pee, you poop
And then you go to school
and you learn even more
you meet peers
you find out you're not unique
you just don't know if that's good or bad
you make a real friend, or several
you find out you have brothers in other families
You understand God
And then you get a pet
a cat, a golden fish
if you're lucky, a dog
you ride a bike
you fall off the bike
you get back on it
and you fall again
and keep riding it
your big sister kicks you ass
your big sister kicks somebody's ass to protect you
you get to know a different place
one you never dreamed of before
you swim in a pool
a lake, and, finally, the sea
you get sunburns
but you're too happy to care
And you meet a girl
who makes you think differently
and you kiss this girl
And you remember God
And then you learn to drive
you travel further
without your parents
you get a medal
sometimes an "A"
you feel good about it
you screw up
it hurts a little
but you learn
And you get a job
you get paid
you buy stuff your dad wouldn't
you have some laughs
And then you're out of your parents'
and you get not to make your bed
and you're really happy about it
you have friends over
you have girls over
And there's this one girl
who makes you change a couple of plans
Things change
You change

Things aren't as easy as you thought they would be
but you still love every minute of it

Life As It Is

And then you're born
and you cry
but soon enough you remember you're loved
and you love for the first time
and you start seeing things
and you hear, and you smell
and touch, and you taste
and you taste everything around you
Then you walk
then you run
and you eat, and you drink
you get dirty, you get showered
you pee, you poop
And then you go to school
and you learn even more
you meet peers
you find out you're not unique
you just don't know if that's good or bad
you make a real friend, or several
you find out you have brothers in other families
You understand God
And then you get a pet
a cat, a golden fish
if you're lucky, a dog
you ride a bike
you fall off the bike
you get back on it
and you fall again
and keep riding it
your big sister kicks you ass
your big sister kicks somebody's ass to protect you
you get to know a different place
one you never dreamed of before
you swim in a pool
a lake, and, finally, the sea
you get sunburns
but you're too happy to care
And you meet a girl
who makes you think differently
and you kiss this girl
And you remember God
And then you learn to drive
you travel further
without your parents
you get a medal
sometimes an "A"
you feel good about it
you screw up
it hurts a little
but you learn
And you get a job
you get paid
you buy stuff your dad wouldn't
you have some laughs
And then you're out of your parents'
and you get not to make your bed
and you're really happy about it
you have friends over
you have girls over
And there's this one girl
who makes you change a couple of plans
Things change
You change

Things aren't as easy as you thought they would be
but you still love every minute of it


É Tu Ou Nada

Pelo que é efêmero,
Tão rápido que nem eu mesmo sei:
Foi sonho ou aconteceu?

Sei que aquilo,
Que nem mesmo sei se imaginei,
Era o que eu queria pra mim.
Não só naquele dia inconsciente
Mas sempre!

Queria que existisse um lugar,
Ou um quando. Um dia? Não.
Talvez um mês, um ano. Mais!

Lá (ou então),
Em outra dimensão,
Só nós dois de relevante.
Todo o resto: fim, acabado.

Esses seus olhos,
Que nem sei de que cor que são,
Me olhando e dizendo
Tudo que você jurava esconder.

Naquela madrugada curta
Você foi muito mais minha do que sua,
Mesmo sem tanto do que eu queria.
(Eu sempre quero mais)

Continuo querendo.