
Not Simple Past

People say I'm already lucky

Just because I tried it?
(Actually, there's more.)
All that because...
Once I knew what it was

Her hair, her voice, her touch, her scent, her taste

That's all I can put into words

If only I could wipe it out
I wish I didn't remember
But I can't fight it!

An arm, a leg, my reason
Just like her
A part of me


Jardim de K

O Jardim de Amor de K

Ela quer ser cinza
se recusa a ver as cores do mundo
que dançam e cantam e gritam à sua volta
E ela se abraça às próprias pernas
E se enterra entre os próprios braços
E fecha os olhos
Pra que tudo fique negro
Nem uma nesga de cor!
No mundo que ela decidiu,
"É cinza!"

Me inspirei nesse quadro do Kandinski.